What touched me the most was the manner in which the members gave. They gave from the bottom of their heart. I was fortunate to be up on the dice to receive the offerings and I saw it in their eyes. Its not a question of how much, it was a matter of how big their heart was for the Lord.
With a fair knowledge of the country's economic situation lingering in hindsight, the people's devout faith and commitment to the Lord has to be marveled at. No wonder they are so blessed with inner peace even in their state of financial hardship. HE is always there to meet their needs when they need it. They did not give from their abundance of possessions, they gave everything they had.
One of the ladies dancing happily away in the grounds just got her home burnt to the ground afew months ago, but she didn't show any of that today. Some may wonder, 'How can people do that?' Well, it's simply their relationship with the Lord.
To add spice to the day's activities, volleyball competition was held for the youth, sack and egg on spoon racing for the children and tug-o-war for everyone. It surely was a day filled with fun and activities.
And when the day's event came to a close, $32,000.00 was left at the church chest for the building up of God's kingdom. $15,000.00 came from our friends from the USA and $17,000.00 from our local members. To god be the glory.
vinaka vakalevu EAGLES VIEW - YES we give God the glory!